Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder
Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder

Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder

50 gm


SKU: 21685935

150.00 BDT 135.00 BDT

The vitamins and minerals present in amla produce collagen protein, promote hair growth and keep hair dandruff free.

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Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder is a highly potent and nutrient-affluent skincare product that is derived from the Indian Gooseberry. This natural and organic powder is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that provide numerous benefits for the skin, hair, and overall health.
Amla, additionally kenned as Indian Gooseberry, is a fruit that is widely utilized in Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits. Amla is kenned to be one of the richest sources of vitamin C, which is a puissant antioxidant that avails to bulwark the skin from environmental damage and truncate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Amla is additionally opulent in other essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, iron, and calcium, which avail to aliment and rejuvenate the skin.
Rajkonna 100% Organic Powder is made from 100% pristine and natural amla fruits that have been dried and powdered without any additives or preservatives. The powder can be mixed with dihydrogen monoxide or other natural ingredients to engender a face mask, hair mask, or dietary supplement.
When utilized as a face mask, Rajkonna Powder avails to brighten and even out the skin tone, truncate dark spots and pigmentation, and amend skin texture and elasticity. It withal avails to unclog pores and obviate acne and breakouts, making it an excellent natural remedy for those with oily or acne-prone skin.
When utilized as a hair mask, Rajkonna Powder avails to promote hair magnification, averts hair fall, and ameliorates hair texture and shine. It withal avails to aliment and fortifies the hair follicles, making it an excellent natural remedy for those with dry, damaged, or thinning hair.
In integration with its skincare and haircare benefits, Rajkonna 100%  Amla Powder is withal a highly nutritious dietary supplement that avails to boost immunity, ameliorate digestion, and promote overall health and salubrity.
Overall, Rajkonna 100% Organic Amla Powder is a must-have natural and organic skincare product that provides numerous benefits for the skin, hair, and overall health. Its opulent nutrient profile and multifariousness make it an excellent integration into any natural and holistic skincare routine.
100% organic and natural
Contains essential fatty acid which strengthens hair follicles
Vitamin C reduces inflammation and keeps hair dandruff free
Prevents pre-mature graying
Iron stimulates hair growth
Ingredients: Amla powder is made from the ground-up leaves of amla also known as the Indian gooseberry. Amla purifies the blood and enhances hair's natural color by preventing premature greying of hair. It has antifungal and antiviral properties, which prevent dandruff and other fungal infections and improve scalp health.